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2018 to Present​

Pre-2018 publications available upon request



  1. Bynum, W., Jackson, J., Varpio, L., Teunissen, P. (2023). Shame at the gates of medicine: A hermeneutic exploration of pre-medical students’ experiences of shame. Academic Medicine. 98(6):709-716.

  2. Olmos-Vega, F., Stalmeijer, R., Varpio, L., Kahlke, R. (2023). A practical guide to reflexivity in qualitative research. Medical Teacher. Apr 7:1-11.

  3. Barry, E., Teunissen, P., Varpio, L. (2023). Followership in Interprofessional Healthcare Teams: A State-of-the-Art Narrative Review. BMJ Leader. E000773.  

  4. Battistone, M.J., Kemeyou, L., Varpio, L. (2023). The theoretical integrative review: A reader’s guide. Journal of Graduate Medical Education. 15(4): 449-452.    

  5. Battistone, M.J., Kemeyou, L., Varpio, L. (2023). The theoretical integrative review: A researcher’s guide. Journal of Graduate Medical Education. 15(4): 453-455.  

  6. ** Invited** Varpio, L. (2023). Dismantling medical education’s incompatible ideology. Medical Teacher. 45:766-771.    

  7. ** Invited** Varpio, L., Schultz, K., Konopasky, A. (2023). The whole is greater than the sum of its parts. The Clinical Teacher. 20(6): e13604.

  8. McOwen, K., Varpio, L., Konopasky, A. (2023). How to…use theory as method in HPE research. The Clinical Teacher. 20(6): e13615.

  9. ** Invited** Jain, N.R., Varpio, L. (2023). Designing for Justice: How Universal Design Theory Could Bolster HPE Research. Focus on Health Professions Education. 24(4):136-150.

  10. ** Invited** Stalmeijer, R., Varpio, L. (2023). Do you see what I see? Feeding interprofessional workplace learning using a diversity of theories. Advances in Health Sciences Education. 28:1655-1660.  

  11. Bunin, J., Varpio, L., Meyer, H. (2023). “The weight of the pager on my hip”: Lightening the load of empathy on intensivists by understanding its limitations, a qualitative study. Medical Research Archives. 11(12).   


  1. Bourgeois-Law, G., Regehr, G., Teunissen, P., Varpio, L. (2022). Strangers in a strange land: The experience of physicians undergoing remediation. Medical Education. 56(6): 670-679.

  2. Norman, G., Sherbino, J., Varpio, L. (2022). The Scope of Health Professions Education Requires Complementary and Diverse Approaches to Knowledge Synthesis. Perspectives on Medical Education. 11. 139-143.  

  3. Bynum, W., Teunissen, P., Varpio, L. (2022). Response to: Drs. Fujikawa and Eto. Academic Medicine. In press.

  4. Bourgeois-Law, G., Varpio, L., Regehr, G., Teunissen, P. (2021). Remediation in practice: A polarity to be managed. Journal of Continuing Education in the Health Professions. 42(2):130-134.     

  5. Olmos-Vega, F., Stalmeijer, R., Varpio, L., Kahlke, R. (2022). A practical guide to reflexivity in qualitative research. Medical Teacher. In press.

  6. Regher G., Varpio, L. (2022). Conferencing Well. Perspectives on Medical Education. 11(2): 101-103.​

  7. Mount, G., Kahlke, R., Melton, J., Varpio, L. (2022). A Critical Review of Professional Identity Formation Interventions in Medical Education. Academic Medicine: RIME Supplement. 97(11S): S96-S106.

  8. Cimino, F., Ma, TL., Barker, A.M., Stalmeijer, R.E., Varpio, L. (2022) Can we realize our potential?: A critical review of faculty roles and experiences in interprofessional education. Academic Medicine: RIME Supplement. 97(11S): S87-S95.    

  9. Barry, E.S., Merkebu, J., Varpio, L. (2022). State-of-the-art Literature Review Methodology: A 6-Step Approach for Knowledge Synthesis. Perspectives on Medical Education.11:281-288.   

  10. Kinnear, B., Schumacher, D.J., Driessen, E.W., Varpio, L. (2022). How argumentation theory can inform assessment validity: A critical review. Medical Education. 56(11):1064-1075.

  11. **Invited** Barry, E.S., Merkebu, J., Varpio, L. (2022). Understanding State-of-the-Art Literature Reviews. Journal of Graduate Medical Education. 14(6): 659-662.

  12. **Invited** Barry, E.S., Merkebu, J., Varpio, L. (2022). How to Conduct a State-of-the-Art Literature Review. (2022) Journal of Graduate Medical Education. 14(6): 663-665.

  13. Chamberland, M., Setrakian, J., Bergeron, L., Varpio, L., St-Onge, C., Thomas, A. (2022). Harnessing a knowledge transfer framework to implement an undergraduate medical education intervention: A longitudinal study. Perspectives on Medical Education. 11: 333-340.


  1. Varpio, L. (2021). Reflections on loss of mentors. Advances in Health Sciences Education. 26:329-333.

  2. Varpio, L., Bader, K., Hamwey, M., Semelrath, K., Paradis, E. (2021). Interprofessional education in the US military: harnessing simulation for team readiness. Journal of Interprofessional Care. 35(1):55-63. 

  3. St.-Onge, C., Young, M., Renaud, J.-S., Cummings, B.-A., Drescher, O., Varpio, L. (2021). Sound practices: An exploratory study of building and monitoring multiple-choice exams at Canadian Undergraduate Medical Education Programs. Academic Medicine. 96(2):271-277.

  4. Varpio, L., Harvey, E., Jaarsma, D., Dudek, N., Hay, M., Day, K., Bader-Larsen, K., Cleland, J. (2021). Attaining full professor: An international qualitative study of the experiences of women’s and men’s experiences in academic medicine. Medical Education. 55(5):582-594. doi:10.1111/medu.14392.

  5. ​**Invited** Varpio, L., Ellaway, R. (2021). Shaping our worldviews: A conversation about and of theory. Advances in Health Sciences Education. 26:339-345. doi: 10.1007/s10459-021-10033-2.

  6. Kiger, M., Bautista, T., Hammond, C., Meyer, H., Varpio, L., Dong, T. (2021). Defragmenting the day: The effect of full-day continuity clinics on continuity of care and resident and attending perceptions of the clinic. Teaching and Learning in Medicine. 33(5): 546:553.

  7. Humphrey-Murto, S., Lingard, L., Varpio, L., Watling, C., Ginsburg, S., LaDonna, K., (2020). Learner Handover: Who is it really for? Academic Medicine. 95(5):686-689. doi: 10.1097/ACM.0000000000003842.

  8. Varpio, L., Bader-Larsen, K., Hamwey, M., Meyers, H., Cruthirds, D., Durning, S., Artino, A. (2021). Delivering patient care during large-scale emergency situations: Lessons from military care providers. PLOS One. 16(3): e0248286. 

  9. Stalmeijer, R., Varpio, L. (2021). The wolf you feed: Challenging interprofessional workplace-based education norms. Medical Education. 55(8): 894-902.

  10. Bynum, W., Teunissen, P, Varpio, L. (2021). “In the shadow of shame”: A phenomenological exploration of the nature of shame experiences in medical students. Academic Medicine – Research in Medical Education (RIME) Supplement. 96(11S): S23-S30.

  11. Balmer, D., Varpio, L., Bennett, D., Teunissen, P. (2021). Longitudinal Qualitative Research in Medical Education: Different Conceptualizations of Time. Medical Education. 55(11): 1253-1260.     

  12. Bunin, J., Shohfi, E., Meyer, H., Ely, W., Varpio, L. (2021). The burden they bear: A scoping review of physician empathy in the ICU. Journal of Critical Care. 65:156-163. 

  13. Konopasky, A., Varpio, L., Stalmeijer, R. (2021). Holistic, Linguistic, Situated, and Agentive: Using Narrative Analysis in Health Professions Education. Medical Education. 55(12):1369-1375.  

  14. **Invited** Bunin JL, Shohfi E, Meyer H, Varpio L, "Response to: Interpersonal mentalizing processes of intensivists: some additional suggestions on empathy and theory of mind,” Journal of Critical Care, Jul 2021. 66:182-183.  

  15. Konopasky, A., Bunin, J., Varpio, L. (2021). The Philosophy of Agency: Agency as a Protective Mechanism Against Clinical Trainees’ Moral Injury. In Applied Philosophy for health Professions Education. Eds. M. Brown, M. Veen, G. Finn. Springer Publishers.   

  16. Bourgeois-Law, G., Varpio, L., Regehr, G., Teunissen, P. (2021). Remediation in practice: A polarity to be managed. Journal of Continuing Education in the Health Professions. 42(2):130-134.    

  17. Varpio, L., Bader-Larsen, K.S., Durning, S.J., Artino, A., Hamwey, M.K., Cruthirds, D.F., Meyer, H.S. (2021). Military Interprofessional Healthcare Teams: Identifying the Characteristics that Support Success. Military Medicine. 2021; 186(S3):1-6.      

  18. Barry, E.S., Bader-Larsen, K.S., Meyer, H.S., Durning, S.J., Varpio, L. (2021). Leadership and followership in military interprofessional healthcare teams. Military Medicine. 2021; 186(S3):7-15.    ​

  19. Cristancho, S., Field, E., Bader-Larsen, K.S., Varpio, L. (2021). Interchangeability in MIHTs: Lessons into collective self-healing and the benefits thereof. Military Medicine. 2021; 186(S3):16-22.    

  20. Meyer, H.S., Bader-Larsen, K.S., Artino, A., Varpio, L. (2021). Ethical Bearing is about Conduct: Ethics as an Essential Component of Military Interprofessional Healthcare Teams. Military Medicine. 2021; 186(S3):23-28.    

  21. Meyer, H.S., Durning, S.J., Bader-Larsen, K.S., Hamwey, M., Varpio, L. (2021). Perseverance: An Essential Trait of Military Interprofessional Healthcare Teams. Military Medicine. 2021; 186(S3):29-34.    

  22. Cruthird, D.F., Bader-Larsen, K.S., Hamwey, M., Varpio, L. (2021). Situation Awareness: Forecasting Successful Military Medical Teams. Military Medicine. 2021; 186(S3):35-41.    

  23. Hamwey, M., Bader-Larsen, K.S., Cruthirds, D.F., Varpio, L. (2021). The Ties that Bind: Camaraderie in Military Interprofessional Healthcare Teams. Military Medicine. 2021; 186(S3):42-47.    

  24. Varpio, L., Bader-Larsen, K.S., Hamwey, M.K., Meyer, H.S., Artino, A., Cruthirds, D.F., Durning, S.J. (2021). New Insights about Military Interprofessional Healthcare Teams: Lessons Learned and New Directions from a Program of Research.Military Medicine. 2021; 186(S3):53-59.   

  25. MacLeod, M., Parker, R., Varpio, L. (2021). Introduction to the JGME Literature Review Series. Journal of Graduate Medical Education. 13(6):797-800. 


  1. **Invited** Varpio, L, MacLeod, A. (2020). The philosophy of science series: Harnessing the interdisciplinary edge effect in health professions education research. Academic Medicine. 95(5):686-689.  

  2. **Invited** Varpio, L., Young, M., Uijtdehaage, S., Paradis, E. (2020). The distinctions between theory, theoretical framework, and conceptual framework. Academic Medicine. 95(7):989-994.

  3. **Invited** MacLeod, A., Ellaway, R., Paradis, E., Park, Y.S., Rees, C., Young, M., Varpio, L., (2020) Being Edgy in Health Professions Education: Concluding the Philosophy of Science Series. Academic Medicine. 95(7):995-998.

  4. **Invited** Young, M., Varpio, L., Uijtdehaage, S., Paradis, E. (2020). The spectrum of inductive and deductive research approaches using quantitative and qualitative data. Academic Medicine. 95(7):1122.

  5. Humphrey-Murto, S., O’Brien, B., ten Cate, O., Irby, D., Hu, W., van der Vleuten, Gruppen, L., Hamstra, S., Durning, S.J., Varpio, L. (2020). 14 Years Later: Follow-up Study of 8 Health Professions Education Scholarship Units. Academic Medicine. 95(4):629-636.

  6. Thomas, A., Lubarsky, S., Varpio, L., Durning, S.J., Young, M. (2020). Scoping reviews in health professions education: challenges, considerations, and lessons learned about epistemology and methodology. Advances in Health Sciences Education. 25(4):989-1002.

  7. Kiger, M., Varpio, L. (2020). Thematic Analysis of Qualitative Data: AMEE Guide No. 131. Medical Teacher. 42(8):846-854.

  8. ​Etmanski, B., Hamstra, S., Varpio, L. (2020). The sensemaking narratives of scientists working in health professions education scholarship units: The Canadian experience. Perspectives on Medical Education. 9:157-165.

  9. Mavis, B., Gabbur, N., Nelson, E., Schroedl, C., Shea, J., Varpio, L. (2020). Learn Serve Lead Medical Education Submissions: Demystifying the Decision Process. Academic Medicine. 95(11S):S122.

  10. ** Invited** Bynum, W., J. Fox, Varpio, L.. (2020). In Reply to Dr Dyster [Letters to the editor]. Academic Medicine. 95(8):1127-1128.

  11. Chamberland, M., Mamede, S., Bergeron, L., Varpio, L. (2019). A layered analysis of self-explanation and structured reflection to support clinical reasoning in medical students. Perspectives on Medical Education. doi: 0.1007/s40037-020-00603-2.

  12. **Invited** Bynum, W., Varpio, L., Teunissen, P.W. (2020). Why impaired wellness may be inevitable in medicine and why that may not be a bad thing. Medical Education. 55(1);16-22.

  13. Bourgeois-Law, G., Regehr, G., Teunissen, P.W., Varpio, L. (2020). Educator, Judge, Public Defender: Conflicting roles for remediation of practicing physicians. Medical Education. 54(12): 1171-1179.

  14. Varpio, L., O’Brien, B., Rees, C., Monrouxe, L., Ajjawi, R., Paradis, E. (2020). The applicability of generalizability and bias in health professions education’s research. Medical Education. 55(2):167-173.

  15. Van Schalkwyk, S., O’Brien, B., van der Vleuten, C., Wilkinson, T., Meyer, I., Schmutz, A., Varpio, L. (2020). Exploring Perspectives on Health Professions Education Scholarship Units from Sub-Saharan Africa. Perspectives on Medical Education. 9(6): 359-366.

  16. McOwen, K., Zaidi, Z., Varpio, L. (2020). The Five W’s of RIME Program Planning. Academic Medicine. 95(11S): S123.

  17. Bynum, W., Varpio, L., Lagoo, J., Teunissen, P. (2020). “I’m unworthy of being in this space”: The origins of shame in medical students. Medical Education. 55(2): 185-197.

  18. Kiger, M., Meyer, H., Varpio, L. (2020). “It’s you, me on the team together, and my child”: Attending, resident, and patient family perspectives on patient ownership in resident continuity clinics. Perspectives on Medical Education. doi:10.1007/s40037-020-00635-8.

  19. Rachul, C., Varpio, L. (2020). More than words: How multimodal analysis can help medical education. Advances in Health Sciences Education. 25(5): 1087-1097.

  20. **Invited** Varpio, L., Teunissen, P.W. (2020). Leadership in interprofessional healthcare teams: Empowering knotworking with followership. Medical Teacher. 43(1): 32-47. doi: 10.1080/0142159X.2020.1791318. 


  1. Bynum, W., Artino, A.R., Uijtdehaage, S., Webb, A.M., Varpio, L. (2019). Sentinel emotional events: the nature, triggers, and effect of shame experiences in medical residents. Academic Medicine. 94(1): 85-93.

  2. St.Onge, C., Young, M., Varpio, L. (2019). Development and Validation of a Health Professions Education-focused Scholarly Mentorship Assessment Tool. Perspectives on Medical Education. 8(1): 43-46.

  3. Bourgois-Law, G., Varpio, L., Regehr, G., Teunissen P., (2019). Education or regulation? Exploring underlying conceptualizations of physician remediation. Medical Education. 53(3): 276-284.

  4. Humphrey-Murto, S., Wood, T., Mascioli, K., Gonsalves, C., Varpio, L. (2019). The Delphi Method. Academic Medicine. 92(10)1491-1498. 

  5. Larsen, D., Varpio, L., Nimmon, L. (2019). Cultural Historical Activity Theory: The role of tools and tensions in medical education. Academic Medicine. 94(8)1255.​

  6. O’Brien, B., Irby, D., Durning, S.J., Hamstra, S., Hu, W., Gruppen, L., Varpio, L. (2019). Boyer and Beyond: A study of health professions education scholarship units in the United States and a synthetic framework for scholarship at the unit-level. Academic Medicine. 94(6):893-901.

  7. Hamwey, M., Allen, L., Hay, M., Varpio, L. (2019). Bronfenbrenner’s Bioecological Model of Human Development: Applications for Medical Education. Academic Medicine. 94(10):1621.

  8. Stephens, M.B., Bader, K.S., Myers, K.R., Walker, M.S., Varpio, L. (2019). Professional Identity Formation and the Ancient Art of Mask-Making. Journal of General Internal Medicine. 34(7):1113-1115.

  9. Kahlke, R., Varpio, L. (2019). Positioning the work of health professions education scholarship units: How Canadian directors harness institutional logics. Academic Medicine. 94(12):1988-1994.​

  10. **Invited** Young, M., LaDonna, K., Varpio, L., Balmer, D. (2019). Fluidity of focal length: Research questions in health professions education research and scholarship. Academic Medicine. 94(11S):S1-S4

  11. Bourgeois-Law, G., Teunissen, P.W., Varpio, L., Regehr, G. (2019). Attitudes Towards Physicians Requiring Remediation: One-of-Us or Not-Like-Us? Academic Medicine, Research in Medical Education supplement. 53(3):276-284.

  12. Kiger, M.E., Meyer, H.S., Hammond, C., Miller, K.M., Dickey, K.J., Hammond, D.V., Varpio, L. (2019). Whose Patient is This? A Scoping Review of Patient Ownership. Academic Medicine, Research in Medical Education supplement. 94(11S):S95-S104.

  13. Neubauer, B., Witkop C, Varpio, L. (2019). Two Philosophies of Phenomenology: Transcendental and Hermeneutic. Perspectives on Medical Education. 8(2):90-97.

  14. Wilcox, S., Varpio, L. (2019). Finding comfort in the discomfort of difficult conversations. Military Medicine. 184(11-12):e590-e593.

  15. Nimmon, L., Artino, A., Varpio, L. (2019). Social network theory in interprofessional education: Revealing hidden power. Journal of Graduate Medical Education. 11(3):247-250


  1. Bynum, W., Varpio, L. (2018). When I say… Hermeneutic phenomenology. Medical Education. 52(3), 252-253.

  2. Paradis, E., Varpio, L. (2018). Difficult but important questions about the ethics of qualitative research. Perspectives on Medical Education. 7, 65-66.

  3. **Invited** Varpio, L., Nagler, A. (2018). The bumps and bruises from turning a blind eye: Learning from our failures and surprises. Perspectives on Medical Education. 7(S1), 1-3.

  4. ​**Invited** Varpio, L., McCarthy, A. (2018). How a Needs Assessment Taught Us a Lesson about the Ethics of Educational Research. Perspectives on Medical Education. 7(S1), 34-36

  5. Velthuis, F., Varpio, L., Helmich, E., Dekker, H., Jaarsma, A.D.C. (2018). Navigating the complexities of undergraduate medical curriculum change: Change leaders’ perspectives. Academic Medicine. 93(10): 1503-1510.

  6. **Invited** Varpio, L., Frank, J., Sherbino, J., Young. M. (2018). Research Environments: Can the cloud supplement brick-and-mortar? Medical Education. 52(9), 891-893.

  7. **Invited** Varpio, L. (2018). Using rhetorical appeals to credibility, logic, and emotions to increase your persuasiveness. Perspectives on Medical Education. 7(3), 207-210.

  8. Varpio, L., Bader, K., Meyer, H., Durning, S.J., Artino, A., Hamwey, M. (2018). Interprofessional Healthcare Teams in the Military: A Scoping Literature Review. Military Medicine. 183(11-12): e448-e454.

  9. **Invited** Varpio, L., Driessen, E., Lingard, L., Winston, K., Kulasegaram, M., Nagler, A., Maggio, L., Cleland, J., Schonrock-Adema, J., Paradis, E., Morcke, A., Hu, W., Hay, M., Tolsgaard, M. (2018). Advice from the editors of Perspectives on Medical Education: How to get your research published. Perspectives on Medical Education. 7(6):343-347.

  10. Varpio, L., Ray, R., Dong, T., Hutchinson, J., Durning, S. (2018). Expanding the Burnout Conversation through Conceptions of Role Strain and Role Conflict. Journal of Graduate Medical Education. 10(6): 620-623.

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